Library Procedure Documents

These procedures explain how customers may use the Wagga Wagga City Library , agreed behaviours and any restrictions. Please select the relevant document below. If you have a question related to library procedure that cannot be answered by these documents, please contact the library.

Wagga Wagga City Library expects members to adhere to these conditions of membership upon joining the library. Included are conditions for members and visitors for using computers and internet services at the library.

WWCL Membership Conditions (PDF, 99.0 KB)

This procedure outlines the conditions for membership at the Library for residents of the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

WWCL Membership Procedure (PDF, 121.8 KB)

This procedure outlines the conditions and limitations of membership at the Library for non-residents of the Wagga Wagga Local Government Area.

WWCL Reciprocal Membership Procedure (PDF, 125.8 KB)

This procedure outlines terms for the loan, renewal and reservation of library items. It also details what occurs if items are lost or damaged while on loan.

WWCL Customer Lending Procedure (PDF, 137.0 KB)

This procedure determines how and why library staff may need to exclude members of the public from their service points. It is the intention of WWCL that this procedure is used together with staff judgement to make informed decisions that assist in providing safe and pleasant environments for the public and staff.

WWCL Customer Exclusion Procedure (PDF, 169.8 KB)

The Customer Service Standard and Customer Code of Conduct describes behaviours and services customers can expect from staff at all WWCL service points, as well as the behaviours that are expected from our customers. Included is a statement on procedures for unsupervised children in the library.

WWCL Customer Service Standards and Code of Conduct (PDF, 85.3 KB)

This procedure outlines the expectations and responsibilities of members of the public when accessing public computers and WiFi.

WWCL  Internet Usage Procedure (PDF, 100.9 KB)

Guidelines for what is deemed inappropriate use of internet and WiFi within the library, and actions that can be taken by staff members and management if such inappropriate usage has taken place.

WWCL Dealing with Inappropriate Internet and WiFi Use Procedure (PDF, 62.5 KB)

This procedure outlines WWCL’s standards in providing services to children including: access to resources, unattended children, use of the internet and child protection.

WWCL Children's Procedure (PDF, 176.1 KB)

This procedure outlines the commitment of WWCL to diversity in our community by following four key areas: a welcoming presence, engagement with community groups, programming and collections.

WWCL Diversity Procedure (PDF, 85.8 KB)

This procedure outlines the responsibilities and accountabilities in relation to purchasing new items for the library and the processes for public feedback on items within the library. It covers both physical and digital items.

WWCL Collection Development Procedure
(PDF, 142.8 KB)